General meetings
Ordinary General Meetings.
One per financial year.

Administrative functions
Convocation of ordinary and extraordinary general meetings by order of the Chair or those authorized by law.
Drafting and sending of the corresponding minutes to all owners.
Meeting with the executive committee, if there is one.
Communication to the owners, at the end of the financial year, of the settling of the general accounts, resulting balance sheets, as well as the forecasts for the following financial year, and other complementary information.
Sending an e-mail or sending a letter detailing the fees for the financial year.

Accounting functions
Accounting, in accordance with the General Accounting Plan, of all the economic activity of the Community of Owners through the property management programs prepared for that purpose.
Treasury control.
Monitoring of the budget with control of discrepancies.
Issuance of ordinary fee bills, as agreed by the Board.
Issuance of payment orders for repairs, services, inspections, management, etc. commissioned by the Community.
Digitization of all invoices in PDF format.

Legal functions
Professional advice to the Chair or the Executive Committee, on issues affecting the community of owners.
Debtor claim management.

Other actions
Technical advice.
Request for estimates for day-to-day works.
Commissioning, administration and monitoring of day-to-day maintenance works.
Storage, custody and archiving of the Community's documentation.
Customer service for owners
In person at the offices at:
C/ Cavallers 21 in Palafrugell
By email: info@giscom.cat
By telephone and WhatsApp: +34 972 611 023
*Personalized mobile for Chairs and caretakers.